Monday, October 27, 2008

Craig's Photo Shoot

We took these on Sunday, right before the sun went down.  We were racing to get some pictures before the sun was gone, but for some reason, the sunset was extremely harsh making it difficult to capture good pictures.  But I have to say, I'm very pleased with how some of them turned out, especially considering the conditions we had to work with.  These are my favorites... 

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Dad's Visit to Phoenix

My dad came to visit me last weekend... it's been about 4 years since I saw him last, so it was very nice to see him.  My dad fell in love with my dog, and wanted to take Lucy home with him. It is quite possible that she was the highlight of his weekend!  I'm sure he enjoyed seeing me too. Ha ha!  :o)

These were taken by Craig. He's pretty darn good with a camera!!

These were taken by my father. Who knew he had such a good eye for photography?!

To see the first 15 pages of the photo book I made of the weekend, go to this link. (Give it a few moments to load).

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday Mornings

Sunday morning at my house is pretty much the same every week.  The dog jumps on the bed to cuddle at around 6:30 - 7:00.  About an hour later, we finally get up and drive to Starbucks for some breakfast and coffee.  And then we try to take Lucy to the dog park to play with her friends.  

Today was such a beautiful day here in Phoenix, it felt like we lived by the ocean with the cool winds that were blowing.  Somehow, it made our normal Sunday routine that much sweeter!

The Last of Tucson

The last of the Tucson pictures...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Good Friends

A few more Lawrences...

Here's the last of the family pictures from Tucson.  Craig took the first picture of his cute nieces.  The others are some cool shots of him, his sister Shelley, and brother Kevin. 

Monday, October 6, 2008

My Perfect Model

OK, so I'm slightly obsessed with my dog. But I fell in love with how these pictures came out. She was sitting on the hotel room chair, like a little person, and the light behind her was super cool. She's my perfect model!

Super SheWe!

Craig’s sister, Shelley Welander, is super cool and super talented! She designs beautiful jewelry for adults, has a children’s line (Firefly Jewelry), and is a photographer too! Shelley gave me a ton of photography tips when I was in Tucson, and she has been very supportive of me. I appreciate her so much!

She just opened up her own studio, and I’m so excited for her. When I was visiting Tucson, she showed Craig and I around her new space. She had not moved in yet, but this place was amazing even though it was still empty. It had such a great vibe, and inspired so much creativity. I’m so happy for her! (She has moved in since my visit)

Check out her website for all of her cool creations!

P.S. She is the one who took my new profile pic. Thanks Shelley! I love it!!

Tucson... My Way

Tucson is a beautiful place. The desert here is much more spiritual than Phoenix. However, like most deserts in the summer, it can be dry, hot, and a little on the brown side. Below is my effort to capture some of Tucson's beauty this time of year.

Craig's Grandmother Turns 80!!

Last weekend, Craig and I went to Tucson for his grandmother's 80th birthday!! It was very cool to see many generations of his family come together to celebrate this major milestone in her life. Below are some of the pictures from the day.

All of Craig's nieces and nephews are super cute, and they have these amazing personalities. But everytime I look at Jasper, I see a mini Craig. It's a little freaky! I thought these shots we especially cute... each with thier drinks in hand. The big boy version, and the little boy version!

About Me

My photo
Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Hello. My name is Danielle Daigle. I am a photographer in the Phoenix area. I love taking pictures and capturing those special moments in life. I consider myself a lifestyle photographer, because I want to capture what's important to you in your life... think "documentary meets fine art"!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about what I do, or if you would like to book an appointment.

You can email me at Also, if you check out my website, you can view lots more information and prices.

About This Blog

This blog was created to share my photographs with family, friends, clients, and anyone else who is interested in my pictures.  You'll see a variety of my photos on here... some are of my clients and some are of my personal life and travels.  

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!

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