Saturday, November 22, 2008

My New Favs!

These are just some creative pictures I had taken recently.  The girl below was a waitress at Fate, and I just loved her style and butterfly-skull hair clip.  I think this is my new favorite picture.

This was the last full moon we had.  I wasn't sure I could capture it because I did not use a tripod, but I thought it came out pretty cool considering.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Last of It

Here are a few more pictures from Heidi's visit.  I think this one of her behind the tree is cute!  

On our last night, Heidi, Craig and I went to Fate for dinner.  It's a unique restaurant downtown.  Here are our yummy drinks...  mmmmm.

Too many drinks? 

This is me playing with fire... :o)

After dinner we went to First Friday.  Phoenix opens up these cool art galleries on the first Friday of every month, and people can walk in for free.  The streets are lined up with all sorts of artists in their tents, selling their crafts.  It's pretty fun.  This is where I got my new favorite, super, cool hat!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Farm

Last week, I went to the Farm at South Mountain here in Phoenix. It is such a cool place. You don't feel like you are in the middle of a desert when visiting here. The breakfast I had was fantastic, and the shops have some super cute stuff. Here are some pictures I took while walking around the grounds.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Old Town Scottsdale

I went to Old Town Scottsdale the other day with my aunt (she's here visiting me).  We had a fun time walking around.  Here are some of the things we passed on our adventure.  

The Lucy Mystery Solved

Every time we are out with Lucy, people ask if she is part Rhodesian Ridgeback.  So when I finally saw a Ridgeback at the dog park the other day, I was so excited!  It was a little creepy to see so many similarities between the this dog and my Lucy. 

I think the dog's name was Mela (I hope I spelled that right!).  She is a super sweet puppy with lots of energy.  Her family was also super nice!!  Laura, the mom, was very nice and I had a blast photographing her girls.  Her girls were so cute!!!  

Here are some of my favs from the day...

The Fabulous Girls...

Miss Mela...
Can you tell them apart?  (Here's a hint... Lucy is on the left).

Thank you Laura, Girls, and Mela!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween... Doggie Style!

We went to Petopia today... a little pet event by our house.  So many people had their dogs dressed up for Halloween!!  So cute!

This dog even has Dorothy's red, sparkly shoes on!

About Me

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Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Hello. My name is Danielle Daigle. I am a photographer in the Phoenix area. I love taking pictures and capturing those special moments in life. I consider myself a lifestyle photographer, because I want to capture what's important to you in your life... think "documentary meets fine art"!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about what I do, or if you would like to book an appointment.

You can email me at Also, if you check out my website, you can view lots more information and prices.

About This Blog

This blog was created to share my photographs with family, friends, clients, and anyone else who is interested in my pictures.  You'll see a variety of my photos on here... some are of my clients and some are of my personal life and travels.  

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!

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