Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fabulous Hair

Craig and I had our hair done yesterday (before we went to the Arts Festival). When your hair looks good, you sort of want to document it forever. Well, maybe not everyone out there does, but I do. I am usually lazy and don't spend much time on my hair. So when the hair stylist wants to do a soft blow out (or whatever fancy term she called it), then that's a special moment for me.

Since I don't have many photos taken of me, I used my fabulous hair day as an excuse for Craig to take some pictures.  I think Craig's second career should be a photographer.  He's pretty darn good with the camera!! Of course, I took some photos of him as well... I'm loving his new hair too! Craig was always a hottie, but now he's super babalicious!

Just in case you are wondering who does our hair, that would be the fabulous Ashley at
Altered Ego Salon & Spa in Tempe.  She rocks!  They have a really yummy gourmet coffee shop right next door (same owners), called Solo Cafe. You must stop by if you are in the neighborhood.  The fab coffee is reason enough to stop in, but you'll want to chill there all day once you settle into the hip decor.  

Anyway, our hair held up for the entire day.  So we went to the park next to our house at the end of the day for a few photos... to remember our fantastic hair forever.   I love a good hair day!!

Just for Fun

Craig and I went to the Tempe Arts Festival yesterday. We found this cool artist, Felicia, who hand paints light bulbs. She has all sorts of designs... some for kids, some with holiday themes, and some that were super psychedelic. Below is one of the lights we purchased and put in Craig's music studio. Check out her website,, if you want to pimp out your house too!

Since I was already messing around with the camera, I thought I'd post another one of Craig's cool studio accessories... This is one of his budhas, blessing the studio with good vibes!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Last weekend I was lucky enough to catch this moment between Lucy and Craig.  Craig was leaning against the chair, and Lucy climbed up behind him, then she put her paw on his hand. Seriously....  it melted my heart!!  How can you not love a dog like this?!

Well, she has an evil side too.  Sometimes Craig calls her Lucifer.  She likes to eat our stuff... like our blankets, shoes, and my cell phone.  Yes, you read that right.  She ate my cell phone!  I was not home today, but I hear Lucifer showed her face this afternoon.  Apparently, she dug three holes in the back yard in a matter of a few minutes.  Three. Big. Holes.  

But because I love her so much, I try to look past her, uh, multiple personalities, and pretend she is always the sweetest girl... just like in the photo.  She's so lucky she has the cutest face ever because I can never stay mad at her for very long!  Even without my phone, I still love her!  

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Shout Out for the Basset Hounds!

I'd like to mention a great organization here in the valley, the Arizona Basset Hound Rescue. I obviously love animals, and I am so grateful there are many wonderful organizations out there that are willing to help them.

I was lucky enough to hang out with two special Basset Hounds a few weekends ago... Roy and Watson (see my post below). I have a new addiction to Basset Hounds. These dogs are soooo cool! Anyway, Christina and Steve adopted Roy from the Arizona Basset Hound Rescue. Roy is one of the 1,000 dogs this organization has saved since 1998. Now Roy has a wonderful home, two amazing parents, and a best friend for life! Adopting a dog is a wonderful thing to do. And a dog that is adopted will love you forever for giving it a second chance.

If you are interested in volunteering, fostering a dog, or donating to support this great organization, please stop by their website: I'm telling you... these dogs rock!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Roy and Watson

Last weekend, Christina and Steve invited me to come over and photograph their two Basset Hounds, Roy and Watson.  I think everyone should spend some time with a Basset Hound, at least one day in their life!!  These dogs are sooooo cool!  They are super cute with their droopy eyes, waddle walk, and long ears.  And their personalities are awesome!  These two boys are definitely "Mr. Cool".  

So, I got a little carried away with this post... alright, I got VERY carried away!  There's a lot of pictures, so this is for all the Basset Hound lovers out there! 

The picture below is one of my favorite photos of the day.  These dogs look like they belong in a library, or cigar lounge...  I just love how Roy sat on the leather chair because it is so perfect for his personality.  Too cute!!

I think Watson was happy to get outside.  I hear he likes to sun bathe with his belly up in the air, and when he was a puppy Christina and Steve had to put sunblock on him because he would get a sun burn.  Seriously...  you just have to love dogs and how they are so human-like!

Below on the right is a foot scraper that I thought was pretty cool because it looks like a Basset Hound.  Christina later told me that her grandfather collected iron work and foot scrapers... years later she was able to bring this home.  That made it even cooler!!

This last picture is my favorite.  I was loving Roy for posing for me on this bench.  He was such a good boy!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Two Sisters and a Little Lady

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of photographing these three ladies.  Liz's daughter, Miss "S", was celebrating her birthday weekend and Auntie Allison flew in for the occasion.  So we all got together to capture the three of them before Allison flew back home to the East coast.  

Liz is the red head... which is funny because her daughter has Allison's blonde hair.  They were all so playful and cute together.  And they are all so pretty!!  

Oh... one more thing.  Miss "S" has quite the personality... and she LOVES to run!  

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Syd and Abby

Alison asked me to come over last weekend and take some photos of her two beagles, Syd and Abby.  Both are rescue dogs from the Beagles of Arizona Rescue Club (B.A.R.C.).  Alison has been with BARC for a long time, and she works very hard with the rest of the BARC members to make sure all those little beagles out there get placed in good homes.  It is a great organization, and if you are interested in fostering a beagle, adopting a beagle, donating time or money... please contact them, or me, and I'll get you in touch with Alison.  Their website is

Now... more on Syd and Abby.  These two dogs could not be more different from one another. Syd is sooooo super shy.  He didn't really like my camera.  Abby on the other hand, should look into a modeling career.  She was enjoying every minute of getting her picture taken.  

Here's the one time the three of them were able to get together for a group portrait.  Lookin' good guys!!

As you can see below, Abby was posing like a perfect little model.  Loved her!!

Below is Mr. Syd.  It took a while, but he finally let me take his picture.  He's such a sweet boy!! 

The photo below is about as far as Syd got out of his doggy door.  One look at my camera made him go back inside.  But it was such a cute moment!

Back to Abby.  Here she is playing outside.  

Thanks guys for having me over!!   So much fun hanging out with you three!

About Me

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Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Hello. My name is Danielle Daigle. I am a photographer in the Phoenix area. I love taking pictures and capturing those special moments in life. I consider myself a lifestyle photographer, because I want to capture what's important to you in your life... think "documentary meets fine art"!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about what I do, or if you would like to book an appointment.

You can email me at Also, if you check out my website, you can view lots more information and prices.

About This Blog

This blog was created to share my photographs with family, friends, clients, and anyone else who is interested in my pictures.  You'll see a variety of my photos on here... some are of my clients and some are of my personal life and travels.  

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!

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