Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dana and Nikki

Meet Dana and Nikki.  Dana is Nikki's dance teacher.  A few weeks ago, I hung out with these two girls so I could take some headshots for a dancing event they were attending in Chicago.  They are super cool ladies, super pretty, and I had super fun hanging with them!  I love Dana's red hair, and Nikki has those awesome dark eyes...  so jealous!!  Here are a few of the photos...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mr. T ~ Part 2 ~ Karate Style!!

You may remember my previous post of Mr. T a while back.  I did some headshots for this little man back in May.  We met for a second time a few weeks ago to take a few more photos, including some of him in the karate studio he studies at.  I have been meaning to post some of these photos for a while. 

I decided to go with a black/white theme tonight.  Whether the photos are in black/white or color, it's clear this guy has some serious personality and will go very far in his acting, karate, and other pursuits.  

The best part of the session was when he ran up to me at the end and gave me a hug!!  Melted my heart!!  He's such a cutie!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Dog's Life... Photographer Susan Richey

My new friend, Susan Richey, is a photographer and owner of A Dog's Life Photography.  Susan specializes in dog photography and captures animals brilliantly.  I urge you to check out her website for some serious eye candy.  She's an awesome photographer!

But one of the main reasons I want to give a big shout out to Susan, is because she has started a new blog with a TON of photo tips for other photographers.  There's not a lot of artists out there who will share their secrets to help others learn and grow their own photography skills.  I appreciate it when others are willing to open themselves up this way.  Susan is a great person with a lot to share...   if you're a photographer reading this, go subscribe to her blog so you can get her latest and greatest tips!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Maggie, Loretta, and the Dachshund Gang

Loretta is one of those people who has lots of love to give.  Her gentle spirit, her smile, the light in her eyes...  all radiate warmth.  So it is easy to understand why she opened her home up to seven dogs.  Yes, you read that right...  Loretta and her husband, John, are the owners of seven dachshunds.  

She loves all her pets very much, but there is one dog that she has developed an extra special bond with.  Maggie has been by Loretta's side for 13 years, and the two of them are extremely close.  Maggie does not take her eyes off of Loretta.  She goes where Loretta goes.  And Loretta's heart will always be where Maggie goes.  They are inseparable.  

Loretta asked me to photographer her dogs, with the emphasis on Maggie.  Loretta wanted to have some photographs to always remember her very special companion, Maggie.   

Below are a few photos of the two of them.  You can tell they belong together.   

The next group of photographs are the rest of her dogs.  They range from 9 months to 12 years old.  They all have their unique personalities but all of them were a perfect fit in Loretta's house.   So many little spirits running around with nothing but love to give!!  These dogs were great!!

Thank you Loretta for inviting me into your home and letting me spend some time with you and your love ones.  I had such a good time photographing your family!  

Friday, July 3, 2009

Little Angel

A few weeks ago, my friend Max asked me to take some photos of his little niece.  We braved the morning heat and went downtown for this photo shoot.  This little girl has to be the happiest child I've met in a long time.  She was all smiles... well, until the end when she got tired.  But she was so sweet!!

I finally had a chance to work on the photos today, so here is her debut!

I had this little tutu/angel outfit that I brought along, and we slipped it on at the end of the photo shoot.  I'm so glad we did, because she is so darn cute in it!!  

And seriously...   those eyes are to die for!!!

About Me

My photo
Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Hello. My name is Danielle Daigle. I am a photographer in the Phoenix area. I love taking pictures and capturing those special moments in life. I consider myself a lifestyle photographer, because I want to capture what's important to you in your life... think "documentary meets fine art"!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about what I do, or if you would like to book an appointment.

You can email me at Also, if you check out my website, you can view lots more information and prices.

About This Blog

This blog was created to share my photographs with family, friends, clients, and anyone else who is interested in my pictures.  You'll see a variety of my photos on here... some are of my clients and some are of my personal life and travels.  

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!

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