Sunday, September 27, 2009

My website is up!!

My website is up... finally!!

I am in the middle of revamping my look, and it is starting with my website. Soon you'll see a new blog, new business cards, new everything. Yay!

Oh... and I'll be blogging about the pretty girl in the screen shot very soon

Monday, September 21, 2009

Alex - High School Senior!!

I met Alex last weekend to start our adventure together. We drove up and down Central looking for some interesting back drops for her senior photo session. We were going for an urban theme, and Alex was up for anything... my kind of girl! I had so much fun hanging with her!

Alex is so pretty and the camera loves her! Just look at her gorgeous brown eyes! I had such a hard time narrowing down the photos for this sneak peek. There were way too many good ones to choose from.

Having a little fun with some water...

Alex is a singer, and we wanted to incorporate her passion somehow in her photos. I borrowed some microphones from my boyfriend so we could use them as props. I have not heard Alex sing yet, but I hear she is amazing. She is in her high school choir and has performed at Carnegie Hall. How cool is that?!!

I love black and white photography, and the below photos are some of my favorites from the session.

I also love bright, vivid colors... and we found plenty during our photo session.

Alex.. you're awesome girl!! I hope you like your sneak peek!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Baby Boy!

There's something special about new parents. They seem to have a bit more pride, a bit more happiness, and a bit more love inside them. I love the energy new mommies and daddies have for each other, their new baby, and the world. Scott and Julie are no exception. They are the new parents of "B".

Scott and Julie asked me to photograph their son a few weeks ago. He's only a few months old, and such a cutie-pie! He had me smiling and laughing through this entire session.

Julie had a fabulous idea to use this bowl and cookie dough as a photo prop. I was like, "heck yeah!! Let's do it!" Love, love this picture!!

Another few of my favorite photos are the next two below. There's something so sweet about a mother and her little baby.

It wouldn't be a baby photo session without capturing those little fingers and toes!!!

"B" did so good during his first photo shoot, but it tired him out at the end. He fell asleep in his daddy's arms. Sooooo sweet!

Thank you Julie and Scott for inviting me into your home. I enjoyed spending time with you and that adorable boy of yours!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


When I first walked into Abby and Oliver's home, the feeling of warmth, love, and happiness hit me immediately. Hanging out with this family is like meditation crossed with an ice cream sundae! They have one of those homes that feels like "home", even if it's not yours. So now I want them to be my new "BFF's", because they are that cool.

Of course, people this great are definitely going to have the cutest and best little baby ever! Let me tell you, Abby and Oliver love their son so incredibly much. Their eyes were overwhelmed with happiness every time they held him.

Abby and Oliver decided to name their son, Kainoa. Kainoa is a Hawaiian name, and it means "Father's Namesake" or "Junior". I LOVE this name!!! It not only ties to Oliver's heritage and has significant meaning, but it sounds cool too!

So what does a little 3 month old boy with parents like this look like? Well... I think he should be the next Gerber baby. I'm sure you will agree.

Now would be a good time to mention a few things...

First, Oliver and Abby had friends visiting from California when I was at their home. Ben and Vickie were very helpful during the photo session. Vickie and/or Ben were behind me doing funny things to get Kainoa's attention towards the camera. So THANK YOU for your help!!

Secondly, Abby and Oliver had two blankets that were very special to Kainoa, and we were able to incorporate them into the photos.

The blanket in the first photo below was made by Abby, with the help of her mom. It was soooo soft! I think Abby told me it was the first blanket she made, which was impressive because it was more like a quilt - and those are hard to make!

The second blanket (the blue one), was made by Vickie's mom, Paula. I loved how the color complimented the brown basket. And Kainoa was loving this thing... he kept putting his face on it and smiling!

The next few photos are a little more organic, but still fun. I probably could have followed Abby and Oliver around all day, just snapping photos of them holding Kainoa.

After a while, Kainoa decided it was nap time. He did so good on his first photo shoot!! But I think it exhausted him.

So before I left, I was able to snap a few photos of their gorgeous golden retriever, Rigby. I mean, even their dog is perfect! See why I didn't want to leave?!

Thank you Oliver and Abby for inviting me to your home, and asking me to photograph Kainoa. I had a lot of fun and enjoyed the photo session a lot!! I hope you like your sneak peek!!

About Me

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Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Hello. My name is Danielle Daigle. I am a photographer in the Phoenix area. I love taking pictures and capturing those special moments in life. I consider myself a lifestyle photographer, because I want to capture what's important to you in your life... think "documentary meets fine art"!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about what I do, or if you would like to book an appointment.

You can email me at Also, if you check out my website, you can view lots more information and prices.

About This Blog

This blog was created to share my photographs with family, friends, clients, and anyone else who is interested in my pictures.  You'll see a variety of my photos on here... some are of my clients and some are of my personal life and travels.  

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!

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