Congratulations Christina!!
This past Saturday, I had the pleasure of going to Christina's baby shower. Christina and her husband, Steve, will be leaving for Africa soon to adopt a little boy and a little girl. I'm so happy and excited for the two of them!!
I didn't want to be the obnoxious person at the party with the camera in everyone's face... but I did take a few photos here and there. Christina's shower was beautiful, and I wanted to capture a little bit of it for her.

The decorations were perfect, and the theme all started with the super cute invitations. How awesome are her party favors?! On the tables for her guests were "two peas in a pod" salt and pepper shakers to match her invitations. SO CUTE!

Christina's shower was hosted by her mom, Patti, and the fabulous Liz. Patti's home was beautiful and the table settings were GORGEOUS!! To top it off, Liz cooked some AMAZING dishes that blew me away. Everything was perfect!

After we stuffed our bellies, Christina's mom brought out the arts and crafts. We all were asked to decorate one birthday card for one of the children. The goal was to have enough cards so Christina could open one for each of her children, every year until they turned 10. I thought this was such a sweet idea. I was also blown away by all the creative people who were in attendance. All the cards looked awesome!
Christina received a lot of super cute gifts. Christina got some adorable little outfits, books, toys, and many necessities for the two babies. These two children are going to be the cutest kids in town when they put on their new clothes!
Christina and Steve... have a safe trip, and I can not wait to meet the babies! Congratulations!!
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