Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cute Little Boy

Mr. "H" is a very expressive little boy. He had so many faces for my camera!!

Although, I'm pretty sure he was trying to tell me to get my big black lens away from him. I don't think he liked my camera very much. But I did manage to capture a few smiles, a few tears, and a few more of "H's" many faces. He's definitely quite the character! I'm thinking acting might be in his future... what do you think? Just check out all his cute expressions!

Jamie and Mark, thank you for inviting me into your home to take photos of your beautiful boy. I'll have the rest to you soon!

Friday, November 27, 2009

6 Months, Family, and Eegee's = FUN!

Some of you may remember baby "J" when I did his newborn photos. Well, he's six months now and has grown into quite the handsome young man. I was super excited to see him again. Talk about a happy baby!! He was the perfect little model for my camera.

I just love his face in this next photo. Look at those cheeks!

It was awesome to see Shawna, Tommy, and Carol (Shawna's mom) again. Even Grandpa Mark joined in on the photos this time. This family is pretty cool... but they scored bonus points when they introduced me to Eegee's grinders in Tucson for lunch. I'm a little snobby about my grinders since I'm from the East coast... but Eegee's was so yummy! And their frozen cherry cider drink was the best!!! YUM!

Tommy has been wearing Vans since he was a kid. I believe he told me he got his first pair of Vans when he was 12 years old. He has a dress up pair, a work pair, and a weekend pair. I wonder if he has any other kind of shoe? Anyway, when Shawna was pregnant she saw a pair of Old Skool Originals in baby size, and had to get them since Tommy has the same pair. Now "J" can tell his dad that he's had them since the womb. That's hard core man... "J" rocks!

Thank you everyone for an awesome time and that awesome lunch!! It was so good to see all of you again!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


This has been a challenging, crazy busy, and rewarding year. As I try to leave behind parts of my life that I am no longer aligned to, I am still not quite where I need to be to let go completely. I'm in that weird "in between" place... right before the big changes happen... but past the small changes that put you face to face with the last BIG hurdles.

Reflecting back on the year, I thought today would be an appropriate time to give some thanks to all the people and things I appreciate, but don't nearly mention enough.

I'm thankful for the ability to do the things I love in life.

I'm thankful for all the amazing clients I've had in 2009. I've learned so much and gained so much from the experiences I've had with all of you.

I'm thankful for my friends and family who support me and stick by me... even when I'm being crazy through all the changes this year.

And I'm thankful for my home. And home is nothing without the love that lives inside...

Thank you Craig... for allowing me to grow into a new person. And while I strive to be better, you have been patient while I'm trying to shed the layers that don't suite me. I love you.

Thank you Yoda... my big boy. You've been with me the longest and there's comfort in that.

Thank you Chloe... my crazy cat. Thank you for always curling up in my lap while I edit my photos. I appreciate the cuddles.

White Kid (white kitty)... Thank you for your soft and gentle love. No other animal loves "love" as much as you.

Lucy (Lu Lu)... Thank you for being the coolest dog ever and always trying to take my spot on the bed. I always smile around you.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mommy, Daddy, and Little Boy

Amy and Erik welcomed me in their home as if we've been friends for years. Their house felt warm and familiar, and I enjoyed every second of my time with them. They are such great people!

Their little boy, "J", is a so adorable. What a cutie pie!! He had many faces for my camera... a true model. :o)

Here's another mini sneak peek for another fabulous family!

Toes, toes, toes! "J's" were my favorite yet! He kept curling them in funny shapes. Love the toes!

I also love the teddy bears. So perfectly cute!

Thank you Amy and Erik for inviting me to your home to photograph your amazing family. I had an awesome time with all of you!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Family Photos

Meet Matt and Kristi and their two little girls. They are super awesome, totally beautiful, and so much fun! Don't they look like models out of a magazine?

I thought little sis looked so cute in her red dress and bow in her hair. She had the cutest smile!

Check out big sis... her eyelashes are to die for!!! I'm so jealous!

Kristi is so cool. She suggested taking a chair from inside the house for some outside photos. Love that!!! Here's one of the photos with the entire family piled on the chair.

Thanks Matt and Kristi for asking me to take your family photos! You guys are gorgeous!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Kris, Andrew, and "J"

When Kris opened the door with little "J" in her arms, I thought, "this woman is gorgeous and this baby is adorable!" And when her husband, Andrew, walked around the corner I realized who these people were standing in front of me.... Ken and Barbie! Seriously, the only thing missing was the Malibu mansion and pink corvette!!

But their beauty went far deeper than outer appearances. The real beauty was the love Kris and Andrew obviously have for one another, and for little "J". There was so much happiness in their home!!

The thing I loved the most about them, is they asked me to capture them in the moment. I absolutely adore this style of photography. I feel so lucky to document families and children this way. These photos are real, honest, raw moments.... It's their moments.

Little "J" just turned one last month. He had some serious energy!!! I didn't know children could move so fast. And like most one year olds, everything in the world is new and exciting. I love how the simple things give children so much joy. I thought it was adorable how he tried to eat the flowers!

Hands down, this is probably one of my most favorite moments captured all year. I couldn't plan the images below if I tried. I just love them.

Thank you Kris, Andrew, and "J" for letting me come to you home and photograph all of you. You are all awesome!

About Me

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Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Hello. My name is Danielle Daigle. I am a photographer in the Phoenix area. I love taking pictures and capturing those special moments in life. I consider myself a lifestyle photographer, because I want to capture what's important to you in your life... think "documentary meets fine art"!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about what I do, or if you would like to book an appointment.

You can email me at Also, if you check out my website, you can view lots more information and prices.

About This Blog

This blog was created to share my photographs with family, friends, clients, and anyone else who is interested in my pictures.  You'll see a variety of my photos on here... some are of my clients and some are of my personal life and travels.  

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!

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