Cute Little Boy
Mr. "H" is a very expressive little boy. He had so many faces for my camera!!
Mr. "H" is a very expressive little boy. He had so many faces for my camera!!
Some of you may remember baby "J" when I did his newborn photos. Well, he's six months now and has grown into quite the handsome young man. I was super excited to see him again. Talk about a happy baby!! He was the perfect little model for my camera.
This has been a challenging, crazy busy, and rewarding year. As I try to leave behind parts of my life that I am no longer aligned to, I am still not quite where I need to be to let go completely. I'm in that weird "in between" place... right before the big changes happen... but past the small changes that put you face to face with the last BIG hurdles.
When Kris opened the door with little "J" in her arms, I thought, "this woman is gorgeous and this baby is adorable!" And when her husband, Andrew, walked around the corner I realized who these people were standing in front of me.... Ken and Barbie! Seriously, the only thing missing was the Malibu mansion and pink corvette!!
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