Kris, Andrew, and "J"
When Kris opened the door with little "J" in her arms, I thought, "this woman is gorgeous and this baby is adorable!" And when her husband, Andrew, walked around the corner I realized who these people were standing in front of me.... Ken and Barbie! Seriously, the only thing missing was the Malibu mansion and pink corvette!!
But their beauty went far deeper than outer appearances. The real beauty was the love Kris and Andrew obviously have for one another, and for little "J". There was so much happiness in their home!!
The thing I loved the most about them, is they asked me to capture them in the moment. I absolutely adore this style of photography. I feel so lucky to document families and children this way. These photos are real, honest, raw moments.... It's their moments.

Little "J" just turned one last month. He had some serious energy!!! I didn't know children could move so fast. And like most one year olds, everything in the world is new and exciting. I love how the simple things give children so much joy. I thought it was adorable how he tried to eat the flowers!
Hands down, this is probably one of my most favorite moments captured all year. I couldn't plan the images below if I tried. I just love them.
Thank you Kris, Andrew, and "J" for letting me come to you home and photograph all of you. You are all awesome!
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