This has been a challenging, crazy busy, and rewarding year. As I try to leave behind parts of my life that I am no longer aligned to, I am still not quite where I need to be to let go completely. I'm in that weird "in between" place... right before the big changes happen... but past the small changes that put you face to face with the last BIG hurdles.
Reflecting back on the year, I thought today would be an appropriate time to give some thanks to all the people and things I appreciate, but don't nearly mention enough.
I'm thankful for the ability to do the things I love in life.
I'm thankful for all the amazing clients I've had in 2009. I've learned so much and gained so much from the experiences I've had with all of you.
I'm thankful for my friends and family who support me and stick by me... even when I'm being crazy through all the changes this year.
And I'm thankful for my home. And home is nothing without the love that lives inside...
Thank you Craig... for allowing me to grow into a new person. And while I strive to be better, you have been patient while I'm trying to shed the layers that don't suite me. I love you.

Thank you Yoda... my big boy. You've been with me the longest and there's comfort in that.
Thank you Chloe... my crazy cat. Thank you for always curling up in my lap while I edit my photos. I appreciate the cuddles.
White Kid (white kitty)... Thank you for your soft and gentle love. No other animal loves "love" as much as you.
Lucy (Lu Lu)... Thank you for being the coolest dog ever and always trying to take my spot on the bed. I always smile around you.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!
2 comments: are so awesome! I was filled with joy when I read this post. I am so happy for you and even more excited about all the positive things that have taken place for you in 09. You just hang in there, 2010 will be even better for you. Last thing, because you know I could go on and on. I MUST meet Craig, he seems like an awesome man! Tell him thanks for putting a smile on your face. Keep up the awesome work, Love you girl!
Thank you Dixye!! I appreciate your support and friendship!! And yes, you definitely have to meet Craig... we should all go out in the new year!
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