Little Lucy
I know what you're thinking... another photograph of my dog, Lucy. Well, not this time (sorry to disappoint some of you).
This little girl is not mine, but I wish she was! Will and his wife, Megan, just got a new puppy. I'm a sucker for puppies. And if you tell me your dog's name is Lucy, then I'll really love her because that's the coolest name ever!
I always thought my dog was named after a something really cool... the Beatles song, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". But Will's story is way cooler. He had a beagle growing up, named Snoopy. First of all, what kid did not want a beagle named Snoopy growing up? Anyway, Snoopy is still a part of his family. Will's sister then added a second beagle to the family, and named him Charlie. And now Will has little Lucy! How cute is that?! The family keeps getting beagles and naming them after characters in Charlie Brown!
I wanted to scoop this dog up and take her home with me. I'm sure you'll see why after looking at her cute photos below. Enjoy!

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